Okay. Is there anybody out there? Mayday mayday! I am curious as to what, YOU, the person reading this blog, wants. Besides announcements. There’s something slightly off-putting about that. It feels immodest and boastful. Yeah--I know, those of you who know me will be shocked to hear I have some restraint in the area of “self indulgent crowing” but its true.
So whatchoo want? More pictures? Work in progress (that's what the image above is.) Some ranting and raving about the meaning of life and art? FOR EXAMPLE: yesterday, perhaps on the toilet, or the elliptical trainer at the gym or some other mind transporting experience, I had the thought that “Painting wasn’t killed dead forever by...the invention of the camera...or the rebellion of the Salon De Refusee or the separation of church and state or the whatever...painting was made instantly obsolete when the first alphabet was invented. Blame it on Linear B!” More of that type of pseudo philosophical musing?
Please let me know what you would like to see more of in this blog by adding a comment. And if there are no comments I shall have to assume I am talking to myself...how embarrassing!