All of these are done in meetings, lectures and other times when I cannot pay attention if my hands are not moving.
Judith and the head of Holofernes. A favorite theme. I am not sure why...
This one is older--but unusual and I thought, interesting.
This is a compilation of all the figures I have that seem promising. Most were made by attaching sketched heads to various bodies in Photoshop, which allows me to mix and match. This porcess brings great glee to all my obsessive tendencies and sometimes I just keep rearranging things and going in circles for what seems like eternity. The possibilities are so dazzling and final decisions!
These are screen captures of my "best faces" files
I think you undoubtedly are a genius or have genius or whatever, and I see it in yr drawings especially, which ought to be collected, would love to play chess w/you...(every game is an exercise in unhappy royalty) you'd be good at it.