Saturday, August 11, 2012

Snakes. On a Plane.

I mean "plane" like "planar"...not aeroplane! D'oh!

These are the snakes I referenced in this image. 

From those sources, I "unwound" the snakes and reconfigured them to intertwine with each other.

Then I made a black and white sketch in my own hand (done with a rapidograph on mylar).  I had this scanned and  painted it in Photoshop.

Here is the painting.  This image is an endless repeating tile. meaning it can be reproduced as wallpaper (the kind on your walls or the kind on your computer, I  don't matter none) or as a fabric or anything else that needs an endless repeat design.  Click on image to supersize!  There is a TON of detail compared to the first version.  Lots of fun stuff going on with the snakes scales.

TMI department: this image was an absolute BLAST to make.  This is the type of work I like best.  Endless noodling at the actual pixel size and endless details.

If you don't believe me about the tile, here it is repeated eight times.


  1. woah that is alot of snakes!!!!
    looks amaziing! love your work!

  2. I love the idea of this image completely encompassing the viewer's visual plane. This type of imagery goes staight to the unconscience! Masterfully handled. Brava Ms. Judith!

  3. Judith, please, please, please, pretty please post any info on when you are teaching more workshops? Your work is fantastic, your posts are terrific and I’ve been salivating over the details in your designs and your technique for a long time. As much as I’ve been resisting the idea of engraving flash glass instead of using painting techniques with color enamels, the results speak for themselves... and I seem to lack patience and imagination to push myself into starting without some kind of guidance (read – “a smack in the ass”).


  4. I like the snakes - reminds me of these videos by Vi Hart
    Doodling in Math Class: Snakes and Graphs
    How to Snakes


  5. Thanks, Tom!
    And Margarita--
    I'm sorry to say I have no plans to do a workshop next summer (I teach both fall and spring semesters)

  6. amazing! a half-drop, or half-brick repeat (vs. the straight match) would make detecting the repeat more difficult and appear even larger and more intricate. (i'm a carpets/rugs designer) -e
