Monday, January 25, 2010

The birds and the beef.

The Mintoaur so far. This is the bottom section of the piece 16" x 11"--The layers are described below.

These birds will be the top section of the window.

Here's this bull again. This is sandblasted (the silhouette--lightly blasted--no detail, nothing fancy) engraved with a flexible shaft (Foredom) and filed with Starlite files. The glass is Lambert's 1006 Bl/cl B.

1st try at man--simple sandblasting into Lambert's 1001R/CL B.

I hesitate to show this image--but I think its interesting to note that glass, being transparent and all, the layer of the man and the bull can relate to each other in four different orientations. I chose the top one..but...wasn't pleased with the colors or contrasts. This image is not made with the man layer I used in the final but the one above. I wanted something more subtle and more blue. Also, this man isn't as sensitively done as I would like in terms of the shape.

This maze was made with a photo stencil on Lambert's 1001/R/CL A. Light sandblasting to negative space only.

After much experimentation, all in my bulk failure box now, I decided on this outline of a man. This is 1/8" (double strength) float glass. Hand cut contact paper stencil with light sandblasting. I rubbed a mix of Hancock's Red For Felsh mixed with Stencil Black 1059 Reusche paint into the frosty areas and fired it at 1213 degrees F. THEN I rubbed some transparent red oil paint into that area to pump up the color from a dull brown to reddish.


  1. Of all the bizarre things to like- I really appreciate the pointy goatee the man has got going on. It's a great detail!

  2. Thanks, Judith, for all the detail on the materials and techniques, it's really helpful. I am interested that you use float glass sometimes. I've just bought some to experiment with, as sometimes I want something with no texture at all. Hoping it will fire OK.

  3. Hey Casey--thanks, the man is completely made up.--I am enjoying your blog FYI!

    Jx--I use lots of float glass. For the same reasons as you! It fires fantastic!
