Friday, May 15, 2009

Late breaking noose!

Two spots open for my workshop at Pilchuck this summer! Session 3--July 7-24
contact Pilchuck!


  1. I would have absolutely loved to be in your course Judith, but I didn't get the scholarship again. I've tried to attend Pilchuck for a few years now, but there must be something about my portfolio that never impresses. I certainly couldn't get any poorer -- or closer than I was in Tacoma -- so it must have been something about my work.

    It was much worse this year, though -- as your course was the first one I've ever truly gotten excited about. Maybe at some point in the future I'll cross the Mississippi and wander up to your end of the world.

  2. I also did not qualify for any of the scholarships Pilchuck offered and I really thought I would. One was I live in greater Los Angeles and two I am hispanic american also my husband retired and two of the three weeks I will go without pay, so financial need?. Forget the general scholarship that is based on merit. Judith how many are you taking. By the way I have saved and will be in your class. Can't wait.

  3. If only. No job, no money, and will most likely be visiting family in Iceland at that time anyway. Do you know yet whether you will do one next year?
