Sunday, August 23, 2009

Educational, demo-ey stuff

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen and other interested parties. Here's the breakdown on the layers for Mr Sin Eater. Click on the image to enlarge it, if you please.
The red is Lambert's R/clb
The blue is actually a St Just turquoise flash #221
The pink is an old piece of Desag--no longer made. But it was a very sweet pale pink, machine made flash. Cheap and nice color. I, for one, don't care for screaming neon gold pink...
All pieces were:
1. sandblasted
(the red was wiped down with some paint and fired to make it more of an indian red and to ensure that the filing would produce an even wider range of tones)
2. Highlights engraved with a flex shaft...and some color removed with a 3-M diamond disk pad flex shaft attachment--customized by ripping off the useless velcro and siliconed into place. From HIS Glassworks
Using these bits can take down the flash nicely and evenly if its too intense.
3. Further tones added with diamond files
4. The red was painted with stencil black vitreous enamel and silverstain. I chose to do this to the red layer BECAUSE: both the turquoise and the pink strike in the oven. Bad, bad turquoise and pink!! But those 3-m disks can bring back some shine after the sandblasting has frosted it. So there.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sin Eater

Still in progress...I have no idea what to do for a background...but here's the figure...
the color on the head detail is closest to reality...the yellow is less lurid in real life.

Inspiration provided by Lucas Cranach...thanks, Luke!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Opera! Not Opium!

Ok...I think pretty much everyone gets the connection between the idea of beautiful music and sadness, right? We like sad songs, a great sad song is beautiful. No one calls sad songs "depressing". Or at least not if they are beautiful sad songs-- although I think its almost solipsistic: a good sad song isn't depressing because its beautiful and its beautiful because it isn't depressing...
I think music has the right idea...sad songs help us feel our feelings deeper, make the difficult moments all the more profound and poignant.
Its almost a no-brainer. So how come people grouse about sad art work? Why do so many people want their art happy happy happy? Prettyprettypretty pictures that are sweetsweetsweetly nonoffensive?
Any thoughts?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

working on this

Lambert's 1001 r/clB...tried for a nice even tone, no cords.
Cut glass and sandblast all of it evenly with no mask.
Trace image with razor pt sharpie.
Wipe with mixture of stencil black and red for flesh (3 parts blk, 1 part r/f/f aprox) and wipe off excess so paint is sticking to the texture but no more.
Paint traced line in with glass paint--I used a 00 Simmons white nylon liner. Woohoo!
Fire to 1213F--no ramp, no soak full steam ahead! Grrrrrr!
Engrave and diamond file highlights...working into the shadows oooh baby, thaaaaat's right, just like thaaaat....!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Pilchuck class

Amazing class...amazing, amazing's just a small sampling....

Class Left side front to back: TA Kara Rennert, Tasha Kuring, Nikki Hillman, Sharon Peters.
Front: Sachi Fujikake, Doreen Garner
Right side front to back: Me, Barabara Nichols, Deb Wright--behind Barbara--sorry Deb!!!! :-(
Deborah Horrell, Marina Marioni
TA Tim Belliveau is leaning over the table...easily identifiable as the only male...!
Kara Rennert
Sarah Tippit

Tasha Kuring (two views--the top shows how 3-D this was...)
Tasha again
Nikki Hillman

Tim Belliveau

Sachi Fujikake
Deborah Horrell
Barbara Nichols

Sharon Peters
Marina Marioni
Deb Wright

Doreen Garner

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Wednesday, August 5, 2009